Comments on: My 6 months Goals – Rich and Famous? Digital Marketing & SEO experts in Montreal Sat, 28 Aug 2021 18:52:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arnaud Joakim Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:39:07 +0000 Hi Justin,

Thank you for your comment! You are like a celebrity! Can’t believe you found my blog and really read the article! I guess Google Alert works well!

My Alexa rank estimation was based on one of sites which gets 2000-4000 unique visitors a day and has a Alexa rank of 140,000. I thought you needed 7-10k traffic per day to get to 100,000 Alexa rank.

I actually started working for an SEO Firm in Melbourne on Monday for a 6 month contract before Australian immigration kicks me out because of my Work Holiday visa expires. So I won’t have as much time to work on my blog but I’ll do my best to update everone as often as possible!

Cheers to you Justin and thanks again for stopping by!

By: Justin Mon, 09 Jul 2012 04:03:05 +0000 Hey there…thanks for the mention!

I think almost all of your goals are worthwhile and realistic…except for the traffic goal.

We have an Alexa rank of about 21K and receive approximately 20K visitors per month…or 600-700 per day. (We give away the exact numbers in our income reports) I remember seeing a post on Pat’s SPI where he gives his traffic numbers to the blog, but I couldn’t find it right now. If I remember right, he’s currently getting around 200K visits per month to his blog…or around 6-7K visits per day.

The bad news is that you want to get your blog’s traffic to 3X ours, 1.5X the traffic to, and 1/3 of Pat’s in 6 months…I think that’s pretty aggressive when only looking at 6 months.

The good news? You probably don’t need that much traffic! We make about $1 per visitor each month. Pat makes around $0.20 – $0.25. (Not a knock on him…he just doesn’t sell anything directly…it’s all affiliate income) Let’s say you find a way to earn around $0.50 per visitor. To hit your goal, you’d only need around 6K visits per month…you can definitely get there!

You can probably do this with a mixture of offering your own unique product/service and acting as an affiliate for others. It will be interesting to follow your progress…best of luck!

By: Arnaud Thu, 14 Jun 2012 07:48:19 +0000 Hey Seby!
Thanks for stopping by! You are also in the business so you know first hand how to estimate short term success for various sites and ideas. I would also really like to surpass my goals! I still have a long way ahead!
Cheers from Melbourne

By: Seby Thu, 14 Jun 2012 07:37:53 +0000 I Hope you the best for you goals. I’m pretty sure your dealine is realistic for the most part of them.
From my point of view, forget the RSS and feedburner staff, use only subscription process…
Have a nice day in Melbourne dude !
